Check out the current nominees for the Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers

Many thanks to everyone who took the time to nominate your favorite new SH writer for the Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers. The nominees appreciate it and so do we.

We’ve had a really good turnout this year. You can find the list of 23 nominees for the award here. The list of nominees is a great rec list if you’re not sure where to start a new reading adventure. (If one of your nominees isn’t on the list, then they weren’t eligible. If you’re concerned or have any other questions, just ask us.)

The nominations survey is closed. We’ll be posting the list of finalists shortly along with the final survey for voting.

Thanks again!

The Awards Committee

The Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in SH and The Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Awards 2022

Who were Paula Wilshe and Marian Kelly and why do they have awards? Paula was a fan who loved to work with new writers. We wanted to keep her memory alive and celebrate writers like she did, so in 2003 we started the Paula Wilshe (PW). Paula loved awards! Check out her fanlore page.

Marian was a Founding Mother in SH fandom. She created award-winning zine stories, art, and letterzine contributions, and ran one of the first Writer’s Workshops at Zebracon in 1980. In 2016, we started the Marian Kelly (MK) Hall of Fame. Check out her fanlore page.

Who’s eligible: For the PW, any writer who first published any Starsky & Hutch writing in any format or genre between January 2016 and April 1, 2022. Writers can only win the award once.

For the MK Hall of Fame, any writer no longer eligible for the PW is eligible for the MK Best Writer Award (unless they have already won). For the other two categories in the MK, Best Artist and Best Vidder, any person who has not won in that category previously is eligible. 

How can I know if my fav writer is eligible for the PW? Ask them! Or ask other fans. Or ask us. And don’t forget to nominate yourself.

How can I know who or what is eligible for the MK? There are three Best categories: Writer, Artist, and  Vidder. Individual MK Hall of Fame awards can only be won once. And don’t forget to nominate yourself.

Check the list of previous winners to make sure the person you want to nominate has not won previously.

What if my favorite writer isn’t eligible for the PW anymore? They’re still eligible for the Marian Kelly Award Hall of Fame Best Writer Award (unless they’ve already won it.)

I want to participate. How? Go to our survey for the PW or the MK to nominate:

a) For the PW or MK Best Writer, nominate as many writers as you want, but only nominate each writer once.

b) List author names, email address (if you know it), and where we can find their work (if you know), either with a link or your best guess (AO3,, etc.). If you’re not sure about those details, nominate them anyway.

c) For the other categories of the MK Hall of Fame, the information we need is the same: Creator name, email if you know it, and where we can find their work, if you know. 

d) Send any questions about the PW award to

e) Send any questions about the MK Hall of Fame award to

The person I wanted to nominate was already nominated by someone else. So I don’t need to nominate them, do I? Actually, you do. The finalists for the awards are determined by how many nominations they receive. So the more people who nominate a person helps get them closer to becoming finalists.

I sent in nominations already, but want to add more. You can add more nominations by filling out the survey again with new choices. Add your new suggestions but don’t repeat nominations you’ve already submitted.

Then what happens? In both awards, creators with the most nominations become finalists. All nominations close on August 15th at 9pm EDT .

You can vote for the finalists from August 19th through September 9th.

We’ll announce the winners at SHareCon and post it on line afterwards.

Important note: Since Keri T, Cyanne, and Flamingo are organizing this award, they are not eligible in any category.

Plans for 2021 Virtual SHareCon

When I canceled the in-person SHareCon this year, I worried it was a mistake. However, with Covid cases rising, now it feels right. But shed no tears! Virtual SHareCon will soon be here! The fun starts Friday, October 15, and runs through Sunday, October 17.We’ll have panels, games, vids, and more, all of it focused on our two favorite cops, Starsky and Hutch. Interested?

Registration is open! It’s free. Registering helps us gauge attendance and ensure everyone attending is an adult. Registration info will not be shared. Registration closes October 1st, so don’t delay!

Want to stay up-to-date on all the updates? There are so many ways! Join the SHareCon Mailing list on Google Groups, or join the Starsky/Hutch Bromance group on FaceBook or the Virtual SHareCon group also on Facebook.

And we have a new SHareCon Twitter @WannaSHar! That should be interesting. There’s a word limit, right?

Feel free to ask questions in any of these forums, but if you’d rather ask something more privately, you can email Flamingo at

Regarding SHareCon 2021

When I reserved space to hold SHareCon in October 2021, I did so with a sense of optimism and because, practically speaking, you can’t throw a con at the last minute. I asked the fandom to respond to our attendance survey to find out if my optimism was warranted. If enough people can’t attend, we can’t pay the bills. So realistic expectations are important.

In the meantime, while vaccines were becoming more available, Covid was still the ugly reality. Covid… and fear.

Thanks to everyone who filled out the attendance survey. I appreciate your input and it was a big help to know what potential attendees thought. Only 25 people were confident they would come. Normally, we host around 50 at SHareCon.

Another 25 fen posted that “maybe” they would come, but many of them wrote me privately about their fear of traveling by plane (67 percent of people attending SHareCon arrive by plane). Others talked to me about their responsibility to ageing (and susceptible) relatives. It wasn’t just SHareCon goers in danger of Covid, it was older parents, autoimmune compromised family members, and dependents who, for various health reasons, couldn’t take vaccines.

I had just about made a decision to cancel the in-person con when the CDC announced that people who were vaccinated could interact with others, indoors or out, without masks. Since I kept saying I would only hold the con if we could interact normally throughout the weekend without masks, I read a lot of reports on the CDC decision. And then I read peoples’ comments on social media. The fear of this disease, and the way the disease has been managed through the last year and a half has led to a great deal of confusion.

Despite the optimistic announcement of the CDC, the reality is that as of right now, only 37 percent of the country has been vaccinated. You still need to be masked on transportation (including planes). And you can still catch Covid after vaccination, just in a much milder version. Some officials are concerned about what might happen with Covid in the fall when kids go back to school and cool weather sends everyone back indoors.

This reminds me that many times while attending cons in the past, we’ve come home with that unwanted gift known as “con crud.” Catching really nasty colds from someone who doesn’t know they’re already infectious or starts sneezing the day after they arrive is practically a fandom tradition. Covid puts an ominous slant on these experiences.

The bottom line is, we can’t afford to throw a con for 25 people. We need 45-50 to pay the bills. In spite of how optimistic the CDC announcement makes things seem, I think this is the wrong year to throw an in-person con. Things might look different in October. Everything might be open, and concerns about Covid surges and variations might be behind us. Or another surge could occur with corresponding changes to the guidelines. But we can’t wait on this decision.

So, we’re going to throw our energy into the virtual SHareCon; I’ve always wanted there to be more virtual content at SHareCon, so this will be a good year to ramp that up. We’ll try to reserve the hotel for October 2022, when, I hope, we can have a real blowout.

I’m hoping you’re not too disappointed, and I suspect many of you won’t be surprised. Maybe you’ll even be relieved. Feel free to weigh in here, or comment privately to me at flamingoslim at verizon dot net. This was not an easy decision to make and I’ll miss seeing everyone in person this year. But given the way the situation keeps changing from day to day, this makes the most sense. Thanks.

2019 Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in SH and Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award Winners

Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in Starsky and Hutch (tie)

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writer

Charlotte Frost/charlotte_frost

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing under 7,500 words (tie)

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing between 7,501 to 15,000 words

Black and Bruised by Rosemary or alternative link here

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing between 15,001 to 40,000 words

A Fine Storm by Suzan Lovett

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing between 40,001 to 80,000 words

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines by Dana Austin Marsh

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing, over 80,000 words(tie)

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Artist


Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Art

Crystal Blue Persuasion by Suzan Lovett

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Vidder

Amber Raine/Starsky Loves Hutch

Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Vid (tie)

The Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in SH and The Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Awards- Final Voting

After checking and double checking, we now have our finalists for the 2019 Paula Wilshe and Marian Kelly awards.  We appreciate all your nominations. It’s wonderful to see such a large number and diversity of creations in Starsky & Hutch.

In some categories–The Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers, the Marian Kelly Award for Best Artist, and the MK Award for Best Vidder–the finalists were the entire slate of nominees. In other categories, we had distinct finalists: the MK Best Writer finalists are the top 10, the MK Best Art is the top 11, and the MK Best Vid is the top 13.

However, the most complicated category was the MK Award for Best Writing. There were 68 nominees, the largest field we’ve ever had; it’s an amazing rec list. As nominations kept coming in, we realized we would have no clear finalists. Additionally, we’ve heard concerns that short writing nominees are at a disadvantage when competing with long works.  So, we decided to divide the entire list of nominees according to their word counts.

We now have 5 categories for Best Writing: works up to 7,500 words; 7,501 to 15,000 words; 15,001 to 40,000 words; 40,001 to 80,000 words; and works over 80,000 words. So instead of trying to figure out which of 68 works you want to cast one vote for, you now get to vote in each category. Five separate votes for Best Writing. This is a new experiment for us. We hope it works!

Congratulations to all the nominees and finalists.

A few more things about the voting process. You can vote in as few or as many categories as you like. When you’ve voted in every category you’re interested in, you must click on SUBMIT at the end of the survey to register your vote. Once you click on SUBMIT you are done; you cannot change your vote or vote again. If two days later you decide you should’ve voted for a different creator or creation, it’s too late.

The SHareCon website has links to all the finalists and their works. You can read and contemplate, view and review, watch and ponder, then vote and submit. As always, please shout out with any questions and the awards committee will be happy to help.

Click here to vote for the 2019 Paula Wilshe and Marian Kelly awards. Voting is open from July 27th through 9pm EDT August 25th.

Thank you!

2019 Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in Starsky & Hutch Finalists

The Paula Wilshe Award for New Writers in Starsky & Hutch any writer who first published any Starsky & Hutch writing in any format or genre between January 2013 and August 1, 2019. Writers can only win the award once.

The finalists are listed below with links to their works.





Love the Blond Guy


MaryEllen Long/mel2932



Nancy Foote/Startisparticus2017




Click here to vote for the
2019 Paula Wilshe Award

2019 Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Finalists for Best Writer

The Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writer is for a body of work of stories, poetry, non-fiction, blogs, opinion, or anything written involving Starsky & Hutch. Hall of Fame writers are not eligible for the Paula Wilshe.

The finalists are listed below with links to their works.

Charlotte Frost/charlotte_frost

Jat Sapphire

K Hanna Korossy

Kaye/peg22 (scroll down)

Morgan Logan/Molo



Sunny D.

Suzan Lovett


Click here to vote for the
2019 Marian Kelly Best Writer Award

2019 Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Nominees for Best Writing Word Counts of 7,501 to 15,000

The Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing is for a single work, such as a story, poem, non-fiction essay, individual blog entry, opinion piece, or anything written involving Starsky & Hutch.

The finalists are listed below with links to the work.

Black and Bruised by Rosemary or alternative link here

Causality Loop by Sue David and Valerie Wells

Circling the Wagons by Callisto

Descry! by Elizabeth Lowry

Diet and Exercise by Nik Britwizz

Four Ways Starsky Lost Terry and One Way He Didn’t by Verlaine

Hero by Charlotte Frost

In Fire and Blood by kaye

Night Falls Forever by lmhbilly

Obligations by K Hanna Korossy

Sweet Recovery by Izzie

The View from the Bottom by Rebelcat

This Time by Rae

Under by Salieri

Unwrapped by Diane

Vendetta’s Remains by Spencer5460

Click here to vote for the
2019 Marian Kelly Best Writing Award

Word Counts of 7,501 to 15,000

2019 Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Nominees for Best Writing Word Counts of 15,001 to 40,000

The Marian Kelly Hall of Fame Award for Best Writing is for a single work, such as a story, poem, non-fiction essay, individual blog entry, opinion piece, or anything written involving Starsky & Hutch.

The finalists are listed below with links to the work.

A Day Less Ordinary by Jojo

A Fine Storm by Suzan Lovett

A Gaslight Friendship by Dale/dalegardener

Beneath the Skin by lamardeuse

Draw the Line by Kassidy

Fading Into Technicolor by Wuemsel

Nine Day Fall by Morgan Logan/Molo

Paint It Gray by Morgan Logan/Molo

Pigs In Space by Morgan Logan/Molo

Promises to Keep by Teri White

Resonance by Sunny D

Serve and Protect by Lucy

Seven Minutes by Cyndi

The Rest of the Story by Audrey

To Hell and Back by LilyK

Click here to vote for the
2019 Marian Kelly Best Writing Award
Word Counts of 15,001 to 40,000