Plans for 2021 Virtual SHareCon

When I canceled the in-person SHareCon this year, I worried it was a mistake. However, with Covid cases rising, now it feels right. But shed no tears! Virtual SHareCon will soon be here! The fun starts Friday, October 15, and runs through Sunday, October 17.We’ll have panels, games, vids, and more, all of it focused on our two favorite cops, Starsky and Hutch. Interested?

Registration is open! It’s free. Registering helps us gauge attendance and ensure everyone attending is an adult. Registration info will not be shared. Registration closes October 1st, so don’t delay!

Want to stay up-to-date on all the updates? There are so many ways! Join the SHareCon Mailing list on Google Groups, or join the Starsky/Hutch Bromance group on FaceBook or the Virtual SHareCon group also on Facebook.

And we have a new SHareCon Twitter @WannaSHar! That should be interesting. There’s a word limit, right?

Feel free to ask questions in any of these forums, but if you’d rather ask something more privately, you can email Flamingo at