
Your CONspirators are:

Anne (in spite of herself): Jane of all trades, resident Saint, Keeper of the hounds, meal provider

Babs: SHareCon Countdown Calendar wrangler, co-moderator for the Starsky Hutch bRomance (slash ship) Group, Games moderator, Panel participant wrangler

Cyanne: WebWork, Technical Troubleshooter, Surveys Sublime, Bingo Caller

Daisy Morgan: SHareCon Countdown Calendar wrangler, Discord wrangler, Discord help desk support, co-admin for the V-SHareCon FaceBook Group, moderator for the Starsky Hutch bRomance (slash ship) Group

Flamingo: Mama Bird, Registration, Programming, Vid show organizer

hardboiledbaby: Scheduling/Time Zone Guru, Vid show organizer

Ilana: V-SHareCon Facebook Group Admin, Starsky Hutch bRomance (slash ship) Group admin

Kath Moonshine: Playwright/Director of BAAAAD SH Theater; Games Organizer

Keri: Programming, Scheduling, Flamingo’s Personal Prodder

MatSir: Zoom Wrangler, Starsky Hutch bRomance (slash ship) Group moderator

Techmeister: Zoom Master, Chief Concierge/Facilitator Extraordinaire


Our Official Guardian Angels in loving memory:

CC: Hostest with Mostest

Rosemary/Tiranog:  Cheerleading, Resident Bee